The tally is a graphic respresentation of numbers. Block of 5 units are written using 4 vertical lines and one diagonal line (usually bottom left to top right). This pattern is then repeated continuously until the required is represented.
Famously, the tally is often to depict the passing of days during a period – most often seen on prison walls to mark the days served by the inmate, as if counting down the days to their release.
I started doing these pieces for myself as an experiment to see what the number of days that I had been alive would look like represented in this way.
I was shock to find that, when seen on a piece of paper, a life really doesn’t look like much. So I began to paint a single solid line over the grids to represent “Today” – this, in my opinion, being the most important day in one’s life.
In 2016, when so many many musical superstars passed away I began my “Lives Well Lived” series, creating pieces to commemorate their lives and to recognise that they all truly lived their lives.